Osuuskauppa Maakunta: cooperative wellbeing
Wellbeing Superstars April 12, 2024
The 500 employees of S Group’s cooperative Osuuskauppa Maakunta do demanding, physical shift work, which is why coping at and keeping fit for work are critically important. Osuuskauppa Maakunta is also a growing organisation that wants to profile itself as a well-liked, attractive place to work
At the beginning of 2023, Osuuskauppa Maakunta and Wellbeing Superstars launched a wellbeing at work coaching programme to develop the holistic wellbeing of Maakunta’s employees at seven pilot units.
So how did the coaching turn out, and what will 2024 bring?
“The well-being of our staff is one of our top priorities,” says Pia Tuomivaara, Head of Human Resources at Osuuskauppa Maakunta. “Employees who feel good cope better at work, and they also create a positive sense of community around them. We invest in wellbeing at work because we want to support our staff’s health, and to help reduce sick leaves.”
The 2023 wellbeing at work coaching sessions took steps towards a healthy everyday life, reflected on the importance of rest and recovery, and explored the building blocks of active everyday life. Monthly themes and weekly exercises focused on balancing rest, exercise, and the mind.
The aim of the coaching programme was to make wellbeing and coping at work a shared, common topic within all teams. Participants' experiences of the coaching have been positive, and the coaching has been seen as varied, particularly because of its versatile topics. Another element that received praise was the permissive nature of the coaching. You can take care of your own wellbeing through small, everyday actions, and you don't need a wild lifestyle change to live a better everyday life.
Feedback from line managers, who were unanimously in favour of continuing the coaching, highlighted both the challenges of a hectic working life and the importance of small changes:
- “The best thing about the coaching is sharing the journey along the way, even if sometimes there is too little time for discussion and participation in the midst of a busy workload.”
- “Small changes have big impacts. Doing things together is more motivating and even small changes contribute to the overall wellbeing. You can make a difference just by changing your mindset.”
- “Our work is sometimes very physical and we need to balance that with daily, supportive exercise and activity.”
Wellbeing Superstars has supported Osuuskauppa Maakunta’s journey towards a better everyday life, step by step. Check out the video of Wellbeing Superstars’ Emmi Jokinen and Antti Luukkanen visiting all the participating units, and read more on Wellbeing Superstar of the Month, Deputy Market Manager Tytti Halonen's thoughts on holistic wellbeing!
“At Osuuskauppa Maakunta, wellbeing at work is now one of their most important work topics,” says Wellbeing Superstars CEO Luukkanen. “In 2024, we will continue on the same proven path with, with seven new units joining forces with more than 130 colleagues, to build a better working life together.”